Friday, November 5, 2010

purpose. life. rest.

I write with a new gratefulness to be alive and well.

As I was rolling over 90ft in a Land Rover at 65pmh I was full of peace and confidence that I would be fine. I got out of that car with new perspective.

I began meditate deeper the purpose for human's existence. It is as simple as it was before, yet the reality began to sink in deeper.

I being rolled into the trauma unit/ER room from the ambulance, and was thinking of how the cliche idea of how this should show me to live life to the fullest dose not apply.

The moment before the roll, continuing to the moment I had this thought was indeed the fullness of my existence. Not to feed hungry, save dying, heal sick, photograph to raise awareness, or even to preach the gospel. I am here to Know God, to love Him and enjoy Him.

As we become the resting place for the purpose of all creation, which is to behold God, and respond with love. We enter into our complete fullness of purpose. That is it.

Yet this deep simple truth gos deeper. Because, we behold Him and respond, He manifest's Himself through us. It is Jesus Christ loving His creation through us,which is the missions movement.

He allows me to see people through His eyes, and apply His love, yet my purpose is still only to Know Him. Because He loves others and desires to free, heal, feed, and restore individuals, I can partner with Him as He empowers me to do so.

Oh, to know that the moment my life was about to end, I was thanking him verbally (which is how I ended up with glass in my mouth haha) and was enjoying His presence.

That is more than enough.

My new perspective is simple. To simply behold my creator, and respond to His love is the fulfillment of our existence.

This clears my mind, and frees me to simply be. While being responsible to a vision the Lord has given me is a "no duh" I don't have to try to make anything happen, or force a vision. He who gives life, and spares it as well will surely breathe on the vision He gives to His children.

And mine is just beginning.

(next blog will be about how the last five years have pointed to the next 5 months)

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